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Poissa MickeM

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« : 20 Joulukuu, 2017, 20:36:09 »

First, I dont speak finnish  :-\, but manage to understand (from school and also using Google Translate).
I talk swedish/english, live in Finland (Ahvenanmaa) and would like to know more about the RC-helikopter-
flying in our country. I may not write that much because of the language barrier.

Im new to this forum. I got my first helicopter 2006. I have 9 helicopters now and have had around 15
before that. Helicopter-nerd, I know... :-) Electric, glow and gasser. Maybe I can contribute with knowledge
and Im definetly gonna get get some from you guys on this forum.


(The translations with Google Translate from finnish to swedish sometimes gets hilarious, here is the text
above translated to finnish with Google Translate:  ;))


Ensinnäkin en puhu suomen kielellä  :-\, mutta ymmärrä (koulusta ja myös Google-kääntäjältä). Puhun ruotsia /
englantia, elää Suomessa (Ahvenanmaa) ja haluaisin tietää enemmän RC-helicopter-lentämisestä maassamme.
En voi kirjoittaa niin paljon kielirajoituksen vuoksi.

Olen uusi foorumi. Minulla on ensimmäinen helikopteri 2006. Minulla on 9 helikopteria nyt ja on ollut noin 15
ennen sitä. Helicopter-nerd, tiedän ... :-) Sähkö, hehku ja kaasut. Ehkä voin osallistua tietämykseen ja Im saavat
varmasti jonkin verran teistä tältä foorumilta.

Vario EC135 - Vario Benzin Trainer - JR Ergo Z230 Gasser - Align T-Rex 700N - Quick 60 Pro - Kalt 60 Baron (Long Ranger) - TT Raptor 50 Titan (MD530) - TT Raptor 50 Titan #2 - JR 50 Airskipper - Align T-Rex 500ESP (BO105) - HK 500-GT (Hirobo JetRanger) - Align T-Rex 450SEV2 (BO105) - 2x SAB Goblin 500 - Schlüter Mini-Boy ...

Poissa MickeM

  • Aloitteleva torppari
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  • Flying at Djäkenfältet (Åland)
    • RC Åland
Vs: New to the forum!
« Vastaus #1 : 20 Joulukuu, 2017, 20:54:38 »
And yes, I build and fly multicopters as well, everything from 250-900mm. And planes as well, but that dont belong here.

Ja kyllä, rakentaa ja lentää myös multikopterit, kaikki 250-900mm. Ja myös lentokoneita, mutta se ei kuulu tänne.
Vario EC135 - Vario Benzin Trainer - JR Ergo Z230 Gasser - Align T-Rex 700N - Quick 60 Pro - Kalt 60 Baron (Long Ranger) - TT Raptor 50 Titan (MD530) - TT Raptor 50 Titan #2 - JR 50 Airskipper - Align T-Rex 500ESP (BO105) - HK 500-GT (Hirobo JetRanger) - Align T-Rex 450SEV2 (BO105) - 2x SAB Goblin 500 - Schlüter Mini-Boy ...

Poissa TeroS

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« Vastaus #2 : 20 Joulukuu, 2017, 21:00:19 »
MickeM lika med Ålänning på helisweden?

Välkommen :)

Poissa Tohtori R

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« Vastaus #3 : 20 Joulukuu, 2017, 21:02:00 »
Welcome to!

We have had some english speaking (and writing) members on the past and they have been able to use the forum and take part for the events just fine.

Google translation is not fluent in any way but it will do the job and is fully understandable.

Just from the curiosity. Do you know how many rc-heli enthusiast there is approximately in Ahvenanmaa?

Raattio | Stimulaattori | Kepakoita...    "Peltojen kuidutukset tunteella ja taidolla jo vuodesta 2010!"
Edesmenneet: mCX | mCPX BL | mSR | Align trex 250FBL | 500FBL | 700E FBL | 2*Gaui X7 | SAB G570KSE | G700 | ProtosMAX | G BlackNitro 700 | TDR II | tulikettu (oli rikki jo kaupassa)
Edelleen haitaksi: MSH miniRoottos | P380 | G SPEED Carbon

Poissa MickeM

  • Aloitteleva torppari
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  • Flying at Djäkenfältet (Åland)
    • RC Åland
Vs: New to the forum!
« Vastaus #4 : 20 Joulukuu, 2017, 21:29:02 »
Tero, yes! ;D Och tack!

Doc, thanks!
I know 13 who have a helicopters, maybe there are more.
But I think its only me that is flying at the moment. And I dont fly that much. Too many hobbies at the moment, working on that.
I know three of the above who are waiting for parts (two new flyers and one that are waking up his old ones).
Anyhow, I think I am definetely the most enthusiastic enthusiast over here regarding helicopters, no doubt. :-)
Vario EC135 - Vario Benzin Trainer - JR Ergo Z230 Gasser - Align T-Rex 700N - Quick 60 Pro - Kalt 60 Baron (Long Ranger) - TT Raptor 50 Titan (MD530) - TT Raptor 50 Titan #2 - JR 50 Airskipper - Align T-Rex 500ESP (BO105) - HK 500-GT (Hirobo JetRanger) - Align T-Rex 450SEV2 (BO105) - 2x SAB Goblin 500 - Schlüter Mini-Boy ...

Poissa MickeM

  • Aloitteleva torppari
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  • Flying at Djäkenfältet (Åland)
    • RC Åland
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« Vastaus #5 : 20 Joulukuu, 2017, 21:50:53 »
We fly at a field called "Djäkenfältet".
160 m long grassfield.
Planes, helicopters and multicopters.
If any of you are on a trip over here, its just to go there and fly.
Vario EC135 - Vario Benzin Trainer - JR Ergo Z230 Gasser - Align T-Rex 700N - Quick 60 Pro - Kalt 60 Baron (Long Ranger) - TT Raptor 50 Titan (MD530) - TT Raptor 50 Titan #2 - JR 50 Airskipper - Align T-Rex 500ESP (BO105) - HK 500-GT (Hirobo JetRanger) - Align T-Rex 450SEV2 (BO105) - 2x SAB Goblin 500 - Schlüter Mini-Boy ...

Poissa Matti Häkkinen

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« Vastaus #6 : 20 Joulukuu, 2017, 22:52:59 »
We fly at a field called "Djäkenfältet".
160 m long grassfield.
Planes, helicopters and multicopters.
If any of you are on a trip over here, its just to go there and fly.
IS it near M: hamn?
Trex 700N DFC SK540
Trex 600N DFC SK540
Trex 700N DFC Beast X plus
Trex 470 LP Beast X plus
Goblin 700A Beast X plus; Goblin 700X Beast X plus.

Poissa MickeM

  • Aloitteleva torppari
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  • Flying at Djäkenfältet (Åland)
    • RC Åland
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« Vastaus #7 : 21 Joulukuu, 2017, 00:01:30 »
IS it near M: hamn?
20 km outside.
Looks gray, Google Maps-photo is taken when we are prepearing the new field, moved 2 years ago, you can see the old field about 200 m to the northeast.'15.4%22N+19%C2%B047'20.9%22E/@60.204271,19.7869423,649m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d60.2042705!4d19.7891311
Vario EC135 - Vario Benzin Trainer - JR Ergo Z230 Gasser - Align T-Rex 700N - Quick 60 Pro - Kalt 60 Baron (Long Ranger) - TT Raptor 50 Titan (MD530) - TT Raptor 50 Titan #2 - JR 50 Airskipper - Align T-Rex 500ESP (BO105) - HK 500-GT (Hirobo JetRanger) - Align T-Rex 450SEV2 (BO105) - 2x SAB Goblin 500 - Schlüter Mini-Boy ...

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« Vastaus #8 : 22 Joulukuu, 2017, 17:05:20 »
Would be epic to have "leiri" (heli-meet) at Ahvenanmaa. ;D I would definitely go! ;D

And welcome !

Poissa okallio

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« Vastaus #9 : 22 Joulukuu, 2017, 18:23:17 »
Definitely! Would surely be nice contrast to Aavahelukka's PajalaKolari WoodshipMeet. Pajala guys (and of course TeroS !) would appreciate [emoji41]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
« Viimeksi muokattu: 22 Joulukuu, 2017, 18:25:32 kirjoittanut okallio »

Poissa MickeM

  • Aloitteleva torppari
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  • Flying at Djäkenfältet (Åland)
    • RC Åland
Vs: New to the forum!
« Vastaus #10 : 24 Joulukuu, 2017, 00:42:53 »
Heli-meet over here... hm... That would be nice! 8)
Maybe maybe...  ::)
Vario EC135 - Vario Benzin Trainer - JR Ergo Z230 Gasser - Align T-Rex 700N - Quick 60 Pro - Kalt 60 Baron (Long Ranger) - TT Raptor 50 Titan (MD530) - TT Raptor 50 Titan #2 - JR 50 Airskipper - Align T-Rex 500ESP (BO105) - HK 500-GT (Hirobo JetRanger) - Align T-Rex 450SEV2 (BO105) - 2x SAB Goblin 500 - Schlüter Mini-Boy ...