Olin oikeasti vain siirtänyt vastarin 600Estä tuohon Nitroon ja tehnyt muutokset radioon.
Ehkä kannattaisi silloin tällöin tavata noita käyttiksiä...
Pistin tuohon Spektrumin ohjeen fail safen ohjelmoinnista.
Siellä oli hyvä pointti että kun saa säädöt kohdalleen niin kannattaa ohjelmoida fail safe uudestaan!
Siltikin. Olenko minä valtakunnan ainut uuno jonka kopteri olisi karannut ties minne jos yhteys radioon katkeaisi syystä tai toisesta
The AR7000 features the SmartSafe™ fail-safe system.
• Prevents unintentional electric motor response on start-up.
• Eliminates the possibility of overdriving servos on start-up.
• Establishes low-throttle failsafe if the RF signal is lost.
• Maintains last-commanded control surface position in the event of RF link interruption.
Note: Fail-safe positions are stored via the stick and switch positions on the transmitter during
1. With the system hooked up as shown, insert the bind plug in the charge plug receptacle.
2. Turn on the receiver switch. Note that the LED’s on both receivers should be flashing, indicating that
the receiver is ready to bind.
3. Establish the desired fail-safe stick positions: normally low throttle and flight controls neutral.
4. Press and hold the bind button on the back of the transmitter while turning on the power switch.
The bind button should flash and within a few seconds the system should connect. The LED’s on the
receivers should go solid indicating the system has connected.
5. Remove the bind button and store it in a convenient place.
6. After you’ve programmed your model, it’s important to rebind the system so the true low throttle and
neutral control surface positions are programmed.
Note: The AR7000 features DSM2™ technology and is only compatible with DSM2 transmitters.
The AR7000 will not operate with the DX6 or Spektrum® surface systems.