Kirjoittaja Aihe: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins  (Luettu 6232 kertaa)

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600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« : 28 Helmikuu, 2009, 22:01:41 »
Does anybody have a good solution for this problem? The washout base slips off the pins during transport or handling.
I did my first test flight this way, didn't like the feeling too much...
The same was reported already for the 700. Should I get a 2nd shaft collar underneath the swashplate, or is there another solution?

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #1 : 28 Helmikuu, 2009, 22:54:12 »
There is something wrong in your T-Rex 600. Some pushrods are too short or too long.
In mine T-Rex 600N when swashplate is in lowest position those pins are about 3mm in,
same thing in my T-Rex 700. By the way, I have "old" Trex 600N Pro not NSP.

- 4D
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28 Helmikuu, 2009, 23:30:54 kirjoittanut 4Dee »

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #2 : 01 Maaliskuu, 2009, 00:36:07 »
How long are the pins? In my 600N Pro they are 22mm. I have the Quick UK washout base but when I put the swashplate to it's lowest position so that it's actually sitting on the upper bearing block the pins are still inside the washout...

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #3 : 01 Maaliskuu, 2009, 09:07:37 »
Mulla tekee saman jos swashplaten vetää ihan alas niin pinnit hyppää uran yli. Mulla ei ole vaan täysin massattomat nuo nuppiservot niin omalla painollaan swash ei valu niin alas että pääsisi hyppäämään yli kun virrat on poissa. Muistaakseni Sepolla oli sama ongelma ESP:n kanssa ja hän taisi laittaa siihen pääakselille toisen collarin jos oikein muistan.

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #4 : 01 Maaliskuu, 2009, 11:02:02 »
Minulla on tuossa ekaviestin ylimmässä kuvassa swashplate kiinni yläkollarissa ja pinnit on vielä sen 3mm sisällä. Onko tuo swashplate NSP:ssä ohuempi, sliderin pinnit lyhyempiä vai mikä on muuttunut? Voisiko tuota varaa saada lisää työntötankoja jatkamalla/lyhentämällä? Ei ole oikein kiva ominaisuus. Minulla 600:ssa on nupissa S9451:t ja swash valahtaa alas heti kun virrat ottaa pois.
700:ssa on varaa saman verran. Toinen kollari voisi varmistaa asian, jos työntötankojen pituuksilla ei saa riittävästi varaa

- 4D
« Viimeksi muokattu: 01 Maaliskuu, 2009, 11:04:56 kirjoittanut 4Dee »

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #5 : 01 Maaliskuu, 2009, 17:27:40 »

thanks for your comments. The pins are 22 mm long. And my swashplate is "extreme 3D edition"... if this ever happens in flight, expect some brief "extreme 3D"  ::)
Changing the links is out of the question, because it would take away positive pitch range.
But, simply adding a 2nd collar seems like a good solution. I'll include one in the next order.

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #6 : 01 Maaliskuu, 2009, 17:48:26 »
I think that I've read on HF or somewhere else about the same problem that you had, and the "gurus" there came to the same solution as you did. And it seemed to help the guy who was in trouble  :)
T-rex 450>DX7>Nurkat täynnä lentävää rojua>Äite ei tykkää :D

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #7 : 02 Maaliskuu, 2009, 20:11:12 »
Links to flybar too long?
Loose the flybar and no problems, and just as much pitch as your engine can or can´t cope.
Trex 600N Turbo mutta ei nitroa! Flybarless, ei mekaanista eikä sähköstä
Trex 500 ESP kait?
Quick Of Japan 15C MJP-frame Flybarless
MJP-Rex 450
Mustang Alu edition projekti Efficiency= Actual performance of a piece of equipment compared to the idea.

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #8 : 02 Maaliskuu, 2009, 21:26:48 »
39.5 mm, as the good book says.
transportation without the flybar would be much easier, tempting...

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #9 : 03 Maaliskuu, 2009, 08:32:57 »
Go for it!

Flybar is just another excuse to sell more parts and add weight ;)
[ Futaba 18MZ | Goblin 380 KSE | Align 550L Dominator | Phoenix RC | @ Dallas TX, USA ]

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #10 : 03 Maaliskuu, 2009, 10:42:21 »
erm no... too lazy to mess around with more equipment than necessary. I'm a late adopter.

Leave me in the dust with your flybarless power monsters if you like...
although, thinking about the EP 200, that would be a very small amount of dust  ;D

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #11 : 03 Maaliskuu, 2009, 20:28:21 »
What do you mean more equipment?
I would say less, all of the flybar stuff goes away and nothing is added.
ADHD err 3D is more fun without stabilizing just hafto learn to fly differently nothing more and mechanical setup I can tell you what to change.
You can ask julle how it seems to fly without flybar.
Trex 600N Turbo mutta ei nitroa! Flybarless, ei mekaanista eikä sähköstä
Trex 500 ESP kait?
Quick Of Japan 15C MJP-frame Flybarless
MJP-Rex 450
Mustang Alu edition projekti Efficiency= Actual performance of a piece of equipment compared to the idea.

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #12 : 03 Maaliskuu, 2009, 23:24:56 »
that would be interesting.
Upgrade my 600 to better servos and use the old ones, I've got one leftover motor, buy spares for € 30 and put together a flybarless Raptor.


Now I don't have any spare gyro at the moment for the tail... could one manage without that too ...;D

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Vs: 600 NSP washout base jumping off the guidance pins
« Vastaus #13 : 04 Maaliskuu, 2009, 18:04:18 »
I use gyro on the tail, it´s just about impossible to fly without  :)
Sell the rapu and strip the head on the 600, that´ll be more consistant to fly unstabilized, the raptor linkage tend to have more play on them and it´ll be more challenging to fly.
Trex 600N Turbo mutta ei nitroa! Flybarless, ei mekaanista eikä sähköstä
Trex 500 ESP kait?
Quick Of Japan 15C MJP-frame Flybarless
MJP-Rex 450
Mustang Alu edition projekti Efficiency= Actual performance of a piece of equipment compared to the idea.


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