Yhteistyökumppanit => HeliFlyFinland => Aiheen aloitti: HeliFlyFinland - 25 Toukokuu, 2015, 20:52:05
Nämä asettuu nettiin , tilata toki voi support(miuku)heliflyfinland.fi
Tiistaina lähtee varaosat servoihin , kaikkiin tuomiimme servoihin
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Samalla tulee bk: servoarmit
We are glad to introduce a brand new cyclic servo; the DS-7002HV. This servo compliments our line very well as it has the same thermal efficient case used in our brushless servo series.
The DS-7002HV cyclic servo is slightly faster than the DS-7001HV while providing the same high level of efficiency. Several of our team pilots have been testing prototypes for the last 4 months and we are proud to report no issues with this servo.
Hinta asettuu varmaan 100 € luokkaan